It’s good to be back in Austin, Texas. Even virtually. This year’s SXSW is going to be fully online: “Introducing SXSW Online, a digital experience from March 16–20, 2021 including keynotes, Conference sessions, Music Festival showcases, Film Festival screenings, world-class networking, and the unexpected discoveries that are always a part of SXSW.”
Virtual Cinema Competition
- Biolum (France, United Kingdom) – Director: Abel Kohen, Screenwriter: Jon Rowe, Producers: Igal Kohen, Katharina Weser, Paul Kirsten (World Premiere)
- (Hi)story of a Painting (United Kingdom) – Directors: Gaëlle Mourre, Quentin Darras, Screenwriter: Gaëlle Mourre, Producers: Charlotte Mikkelborg, Gaëlle Mourre (World Premiere)
- Of Hybrids and Strings (Australia, France, Germany) – Director: Lauren Moffat, Producer: Fabbula (World Premiere)
- The Passengers: Her & Him (Canada, France) – Director: Ziad Touma, Screenwriter: Nicolas Peufaillit, Producers: Ziad Touma, Oriane Hurard (International Premiere)
- Poison (Republic of Korea) – Directors: Meesol Yi, Cooper Sanghyun Yoo, Screenwriter: Hyunsoo So, Producer: Wooyeol Jeon (World Premiere)
- A Promise Kept – Directors: Ken Winikur, Ariel Efron, Screenwriters: Susan Abrams, Ariel Efron, Kelley Szany, Ken Winikur, Producers: Susan Abrams, Kelley Szany (World Premiere)
- Reeducated – Director: Sam Wolson, Producers: Ben Mauk, Sam Wolson, Nicholas Rubin, Matt Huynh (World Premiere)
- Samsara (Taiwan) – Director/Screenwriter: Huang Hsin-Chien, Producer: Tsau Saiau-Yue (World Premiere)
- Space Explorers: The ISS Experience Episode 2: Advance (Canada, United States) – Director: Félix Lajeunesse, Screenwriters: Félix Lajeunesse, Paul Raphaël, Producers: Felix & Paul Studios in association with TIME Studios (World Premiere)
The immersive arts are finding new ways to enhance our ability to perceive the world that surrounds us, and in many instances they are redefining how we experience the world. The 20 projects presented in our Virtual Cinema Competition and Virtual Cinema Spotlight sections emphasize storytelling, ingenuity and also showcase how other industries are embracing this new medium.
– Jordan Roberts, SXSW
Virtual Cinema Spotlight
- 4 Feet High VR (Argentina, France) – Directors: Maria Belen Poncio, Rosario Perazolo Masjoan, Damian Turkieh, Screenwriters: Greta Molas, Javier Correa Caceres, Elisa Gagliano, Rosario Perazolo Masjoan, Maria Belen Poncio, Delphine Agut, Ivana Galdeano, Gabriela Vidal, Producers: Ezequiel Lenardon, Marie Blondiaux (Texas Premiere)
- Finding Pandora X – Director: Kiira Benzing, Screenwriter: Alyssa Landry, Producers: Kiira Benzing, Lara Bucarey, Alyssa Landry (North American Premiere) See our interview
- Meet Mortaza (France) – Director: Joséphine Derobe, Screenwriters: Joséphine Derobe, Mortaza Jami, Producers: Oriane Hurard, Quentin Noirfalisse (U.S. Premiere) See our interview
- Namoo – Director/Screenwriter: Erick Oh, Producers: Larry Cutler, Eric Darnell, Maureen Fan, Kane Lee (Texas Premiere) See our interview
- Odyssey 1.4.9 (France) – Director: François Vautier, Producer: Jeremy Sahel (U.S. Premiere) See our interview
- Once Upon a Sea (Canada) – Director: Adi Lavy, Screenwriter: Heidi Miller, Producers: Ina Fichman, Nimrod Shanit (North American Premiere)
- Paper Birds (Argentina) – Directors: German Heller, Federico Carlini, Screenwriter: German Heller, Producers: German Heller, Federico Carlini
- Potato Dreams – Director/Screenwriter: Wes Hurley, Producers: Mischa Jakupcak, Wes Hurley, Mara Auster, Jonathan Caso (Texas Premiere)
- Under the Skin (Brazil, China, Germany, Luxembourg, United States) – Director: João Inada, Screenwriters: Thamyra Thâmara, Andressa Núbia, Jon Thomaz, Rafael Cruz, Raull Santiago, João Inada, Producer: Diogo Dahl (North American Premiere)
- WebbVR: The James Webb Space Telescope Virtual Experience – Director: Chad Smith
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